Post has published by AbraTabia

Alexa Skill Voice Controller

Unlock The Alexa Voice Controller which allows you to play the game with voice commands using your Alexa device or the Alexa App. Move pieces, cast spells, ask for help and many more commands.

This is truly a unique gaming experience as each of the 10 character types in the game have voices and personalities, make jokes and give game tips about how to use them. The game is also much easier to play.

Alexa characters will also make comments about the current match, and the skill will continue to expand with a storyline and more features.

The Alexa Controller is a premium feature. Purchased separately on mobile devices and tablets, and included as part of the paid version on Televisions and Echo Screened Devices (eg. Echo Show).

List Of Voice Commands:

Menu Commands:

Play Local Game

In Game Main Commands:

Select Piece – this is the most common command in the game. Highlights, and / or Moves To Squares, and / or Attacks An Enemy

Alexa Certified Skill